
Faces of Uzbekistan

In Samarkand, I met a giggling woman at the market. When she saw me, she just giggled and giggled.  With her cheerfulness, the market suddenly felt livelier. Although it was already quite lively. Can you guess who she is?

In Bukhara, I got to know Sitora, a girl with a face like from a catalog. In reality, she was a renowned fashion designer who inspired people all over the world with her unique style. But no, not a designer, that’s just what I told myself in my head, that she would be the ideal face of Uzbekistan for catalogs.

During lunch, an older distinguished gentleman and his wife smiled at us as he sipped his tea.

The night in Tashkent revealed the charm of the streets, an excellent ice cream vendor, and scooters zooming by. They were local youngsters who showed us that Uzbekistan is also about fun and speed.

faces, people, Uzbekistan

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